Python Programming

Best Python Programming Classes Online by Contact Master JI
Python coding language is the most-picked course by aspiring software engineers. It is used whether they are first-time programmers or experienced with other languages. Python syntax is easily readable and English-like, thus making it the best language to teach kids. Register for Python programming classes online by Contact Master.
This is an opportunity that aspiring students should not miss. The admissions process is going on. Reserve your seat before the limited ones are left, and enhance your skills to grow in your career. It is a coding language that helps students learn what syntactical programming looks like and solve problems.
So, let’s get started to help you understand what Python is and how it works in the software industry.
Why is learning Python so beneficial?
Learning Python programming classes online is advantageous for a variety of reasons.
Other than Python’s popularity, it is great for use by professionals and beginners. Python has been used in various industries and has applications in various businesses. It solves the problems of tech, healthcare, and the common industries.
Learning Python programming can be a great skill for students who want to build their careers in the software world. However, here are some of the best things you can go through to understand how it helps and shapes your career.
Here’s how:
The scope of the Python coding language is high, and it has been used in different industries.
We’ve as of now said the flexibility of Python, but let’s look at a few particular illustrations of where you can utilize it:
Data Science
Python is broadly utilized in information investigation and visualization, with libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib being especially useful.
Web development
Django and Carafe are the frameworks that you can use for backend web development solutions.
Software design and development
You can use Python, the hero of the software world, to create something new. This programming language is used for scripting, testing, and computerization. It is perfect for beginners to experienced people.
Game development
You can also use coding to build your gaming development skills and improve yourself as a professional by just using libraries like PyGame and TKinter.
Machine learning and AI
Libraries such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn make Python programming a never-miss choice in the field of programming. Discover how to learn AI in an isolated setting.
Therefore, if you wish to make your child’s career in Python, start the preparation now by registering the name with Contact Master Ji today for Python programming classes online so that our professionals at the center can start working with the best preparation for your benefit.
Process of Python Education and Learning Course
Let the kids learn something extraordinary every day with Python. Here are the modules and activities that our professionals are going to teach the children.
Python Basics
Our professionals introduce Python basics, which are data types, operators, statements, and basic codes.
Loops in Python
Thereafter, we teach students to learn about conditional statements along with programming concepts such as loops and nested conditional statements. We also offer kids access to the Python library for creating graphics.
Python Functions and Concepts
After that, we teach the students concepts such as functionalities in Python and what the exceptions are in the programming language.
Data Structures and Introduction to Python
Once the students understand the basic concept of Python, we introduce them to data structures, what they use, and how Python builds data, and they need to debug the code.
Object-Oriented Programming with Contact Master Ji
Students learn about object-oriented programming concepts. They teach them how to use object-oriented programming in Python to optimize the code and reuse it for structured data.
Building a Game Using the Pygame
Through Pygame, we teach our students step-by-step the usage of components to create a dynamic and engaging video game.
GUI using Python, Tkinter, and Usage to Create Engaging Applications
After the Pygame component learning, we introduce students to the Python library Tkinter so that they can create GUI applications. An application that works amazingly without showcasing the backend code like an application. Through this module, students at Contact Master Ji will learn how to develop an application that runs.
So, what are you thinking? Enroll yourself today, and let’s not slip this great opportunity from your hands. Register now and don’t wait for next time to apply.
Call Contact Master Ji today and reserve your Python programming classes online with students and prepare for a bright future.
Welcome to Python
○ Performing mathematical computation using Python
○ Writing your first Python Program
Writing code in Python
○ Spacing in Python
○ Errors:
- Syntax Error
- Runtime Error
- Logical Error
Talking input from the User
○ Reading input from the user
Operators in Python
○ Comparison Operator (>,<,>=,<=,==)
○ Logical Operator (and, or, not)
○ Assignment Operator (=)
What is Data ? and what are their types?
○ Data Types
- Integer
- String
- Float
- Boolean
○ Data Types Conversion
Creating animation from what we have learned till now
○ Making Turtle screen
○ Moving Turtle around the screen
- Forward
- Backward
- Left
- Right
○ Turtle Goto
○ Turtle Home
○ Drawing basic shapes:
- Draw a line
- Draw a square
- Drawing a circle
○ Changing Screen Color
○ Changing Screen Title
○ Changing Turtle Shape, Size and Turtle’s Pen Size
○ Changing Turtle and Pen Color
○ Filling an Image
○ Changing the Turtle Speed
○ Picking Pen Up and Down
○ Undoing Changes
○ Clearing the Screen
○ Resetting the Environment
○ PROJECT: Making Patterns
- Ashoka Dharma Chakra
- Olympic Rings
Condition Statements
○ If – Else Statement
○ If – Elif – Else Statement
○ Break condition
○ While Loops
● Control Statements :
○ Break
○ Continue
○ Pass
● Project: Rock, Paper, Scissor
● Lists :
○ 1-D Lists
○ 2-D Lists
Project : Making a Tic-Tac-Toe Game using Lists
○ Creating a Dictionary
HomeWork Project: Make Tic-Tac-Toe using a Dictionary
○ Modules
○ Lambda Functions
○ Recursion
Project: Making a Calculator
○ Multiline Strings
○ Indexing
○ Some string functions
Welcome to Pygame
○ What is a Pygame Module ?
○ Setting up the basic pygame window/code
○ Drawing basic shapes in pygame window:
■ Drawing a Line
■ Drawing a Circle
■ Drawing a Rectangle
○ Understanding the coordinate system of pygames
○ Learning to move basics shapes across the game window
○ Learning the mouse click and key pressed events
○ Importing images to pygame window
○ Writing text over the pygame window
Project 1 : Tic-Tac-Toe
■ Making Tic-Tac-Toe basic shape
■ Implementing the Tic-Tac-Toe logic
■ Displaying “You Won” over the pygame window
Project 2 : Car Racing Game
■ Making the car racing game window
■ Displaying hero car and enemy car using rectangles
■ Implementing the Car movement logic
■ Importing car images
■ Displaying the game score over the pygame window when
hero car hit enemy car
Project 3 : Flappy Birds
■ Making the games with basic shapes
■ Implementing the Flappy bird game logic
■ Importing the Flappy bird, pipe and background images
■ Making a play button
Project 4 : Snake Game
■ Making snake head as a small black square box and food as a
red square box
■ Making the snake move using the arrow keys
■ Implementing the logic for eating the apple
■ Making the snake grow in size using list
Project 5 : Game Menu
■ Making Game Menu window
■ Writing all game names that we want to use in Game Menu
■ Connecting all the games from game window
Who are MasterJi’s Instructors?
Our instructors are subject matter experts from top universities. Instructors are highly-vetted and background checked prior to joining and undergo extensive training before ever teaching on our platform.
With highly qualified, interactive, and experienced faculty, learning becomes engaging and effective. We at MasterJi aspire to take teaching to a new benchmark where skills are imparted in a unique way by building a super friendly teacher-student relation and at optimum prices.
For more information mail us at: [email protected]
This course includes
We in MasterJi classes believe that making real life projects is the best way to test your learning. For every course we encourage our students to build projects and enhance their learning experience
1-1 live sessions : Live sessions offer opportunities for interaction between students and with the instructor which in turn proves to be beneficial for better understanding and learning experience
After the completion of every level we provide Certificate of completion.
No pre-requisites required.
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Our Fee Structure
For individuals choosing multiple classes per week, we provide the opportunity to enroll in additional classes at a discounted rate across all levels. The tuition for each additional once-a-week class is just $140 for a 4-week period.